Arts, Crafts, and Music


Selected Reading

Quick Quotes

When poets describe their experience of the powers that move in their inmost hearts, then they speak about longing. If we allow only a few rays of hope from the poets to work upon us, we will be deeply moved by the indissoluble connection between mankind and longing. Even the smallest selection of the poetic outpouring of human longing will confront us with their deepest content: the longing for God and for unity with God. At the deepest level, they have recognized that the essence of all longing is the cry of the soul to God.

- Eberhard Arnold, November 1918

We love the activity of mind and spirit, too: the richness of all the creative arts and the intellectual and spiritual exploration of history and humanity. Whatever our work, we must recognize and do the will of God in it. And God has entrusted the earth to us not only as an inheritance but also as a task: our garden must become God’s garden, and our work must further God’s work.

- Eberhard Arnold, 1925

Justice and love demand that everyone take part in simple practical work with a spade, hatchet, or rake. Everyone should be ready to devote a few hours every day to this practical work; those who have done purely mental work till now will feel its humanizing effect especially. In this way it will be possible for each person’s unique gifts to be kindled. The light that flickers within each heart will then exhibit its once-hidden glow in scholarly research or in music, in expressive words, or in the craftsman’s art in wood, stone, or paint…such work will reveal the joy in life that is in each person. Only death knows idleness and tedium. Where there is life, the mind’s creative will remains alert and comes to expression in the service of the whole.

- Eberhard Arnold, January 1920

Additional Reading for Arts, Crafts, and Music

Poems and Rhymed Prayers
Poems and prayers that open a window on one man’s inmost thoughts, and show him at his most essential and Christ-centered. Each one can be a centering point for meditation and contemplation.
A Testimony to Church Community
For a concise, readable introduction to a man who, in his search for Christ, spent his life turning conventional Christianity on its head living in Christian community, this little ebook is a good place to start.
Children’s Education in Community
A collection of writings by Eberhard Arnold on children’s education in Christian community. Arnold’s insights, while firmly grounded in biblical study, also engage the ideas of leading educational reformers of his day, and draw on the practical experience of his own community, the Bruderhof.
A Joyful Pilgrimage
Emmy Arnold’s memoir radiates joy, an enthusiasm for life, and an unflagging optimism grounded in faith. She tells the story of how she and her husband, Eberhard, came to discard all the trappings of middle-class life in 1920s German to found the Bruderhof, a Christian community based on Acts 2 and 4.