In Christ’s death, Christians die to wrath and its grim commands. A Christian is one who has died with Christ to all the elements of wrath. In Christ’s Spirit, which is the love of God’s heart, he is born a new man who lives in that different justice of loving patience.
- Eberhard Arnold
February 01,2025
- Eberhard Arnold From a letter, July 1934Not our inadequacy, but God’s perfect will is now the substance of our life and thinking. Therefore, from now on our entire interest goes away from ourselves, toward all people of the earth and of all worlds of God, toward near and far creatures of God; toward those who have died and those unborn. The interest of God’s kingdom embraces the times and spaces of all worlds of God, of the earth as well as of all other worlds with all their spiritual princes and creatures of light. That God’s kingdom may become reality on earth as it is real in heaven—that is what we have to live for. Certainly, for this a turning is necessary.
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The mystery of the Church is Christ shining in her. He reveals His presence in the pure fire of the Holy Spirit. The clarity of His light tolerates no defilement. The mystery of the Church is the pure expectation of the coming of God’s majesty in glory.
- Eberhard Arnold
He who waits for God expects judgment and fire. In the judgment of fire the light of His salvation shines forth. If your vision fails when you look at the sun, it is the fault of your eyes, not of the great light.
- Eberhard Arnold